Thursday, June 21, 2012

Please donate to our Donor's Choose Clay Project

 Time To Get Creative With Clay 
Classroom project requested by Mrs. Short on Jun 21, 2012
 Do you remember what it was like the first time you touched clay in art class? Well for most of you and most of my students the only place they will get to touch clay is in art class. Creating objects out of this sticky gooey substance is one of the oldest forms of art known to mankind.
I am requesting 14 boxes of clay and one classroom set of gloss glazes. I will still have to order other supplies on my own but this will be the bulk of what my students will need to get creative with clay this year. Each grade level will do a different clay project based on the elements and principles of art. They will learn about kilns, kiln furniture, cones, the stages of clay, the magic color changing ability of glazes, and clay tools. Some students will even get to assist me in loading and unloading the kiln. 
Classroom Photo
Please click the link below to donate to our art program:

Thank you, Mrs. Short

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's clay time!

For the past few weeks we have been working on clay projects.  The students are working on glazing right now. Here are a few pics from the kiln I opened this's like
christmas morning for art teachers :-)

This kiln has been running non stop for a month! The kids made 600 artworks that have to go in the kiln twice....... can't wait to see what these artworks look like in the morning!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Join us for the Art Show this week!

IMG_2244 by Mrs. Short's Art Class

Brookview Night is on Thursday until 7:00p.m.

Friday, April 27, 2012

3rd Grade at the Beach!

The 3rd graders have studied the art of the American Painter Georgia O'Keeffe.  She studied items from nature and created very beautiful artworks from them. 
You can view 3 of her paintings at the Indianapolis Museum of art.
Here is one of them....
 Jimson Weed
You can find more information about her works at the museum by following this link....
a family day at the IMA would be lots of fun!

The students observed real seashells and created salt textured paintings from them! Great work!

Artist of the week 4-23-12

Congratulations to Iszabella in 3rd Grade for being our artist of the week!

Scan the QR code to view the Brookview artist of the week's artwork on Fotobabble!

                                                     Painting by Iszabella in 3rd Grade

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Life skills Landscape

The students in life skills have created splatter paint leaves and collage flowers for our beautiful landscape artwork. Great work!

Spring Flowers in Bloom

Look what has bloomed at Brookview Elementary! These lovely flowers were created by students in Life Skills, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade.  They all worked together and had different parts to complete.  These are beautiful great job kids!


Brookview Artist of the week 4-16-12

Congratulations to Kenia in 1st Grade for being our artist of the week!

Scan the QR code to view the Brookview artist of the week's artwork on Fotobabble!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Brookview Artist of the week 3-19-12

Congratulations to Sarah in 3rd Grade for being our artist of the week!

Scan the QR code to view the Brookview artist of the week's artwork on Fotobabble!

Monday, March 12, 2012

4th Grade Group Portrait

Each 4th grade student drew a small self portrait that was cut out and added to a cartoon drawing of our school.  I reduced the size of the image on the copier and every student was able to take a drawing home...... not to mention give one to their classroom teacher as a gift! Here is what they created!
Mrs. Hall-Lykens' Class

Mrs. Dick's Class

Mr. Boger's Class (this shows how we taped them down before copying)

Mrs. Cannon's Class

Mr. Wallace's Class

1st Grade "Tree of Life"

Here is a 1st grade artwork created in the style of Gustav Klimt's artwork, "The Tree of Life"
IMG_2247 by Mrs. Short's Art Class
 artwork by Gustav Klimt


Kindergarten Tigers

IMG_2276 by Mrs. Short's Art Class
IMG_2276, a photo by Mrs. Short's Art Class on Flickr.
The kindergarten students painted tigers inspired by the art of Henri Rousseau. To see more images of recent kindergarten artworks follow the link below.............

Brookview Artist of the Week 3-12-12

Congratulations to Karan in Kindergarten for being our artist of the week!

Scan to view the Brookview artist of the week's artwork on Fotobabble!

The Spring Art Show Posters are in!!!

IMG_2244 by Mrs. Short's Art Class
IMG_2244, a photo by Mrs. Short's Art Class on Flickr.

Join us for the township art show in May! More details to come soon!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Welcome to Mrs. Short's Art Class Blog!

Welcome to my new art classroom blog! My name is Lisa Short and I am an art teacher for grades
K-4. I LOVE TEACHING ART!  It is so fun to work with creative kids everyday. They tell me so often about how I inspire them but it is really the kids who inspire me!

On this blog I will share all the latest news from my classroom, great elementary art lesson ideas, the student artwork of the week, current art shows, and much more!  Check back often to see what our students are creating! Have a great day!

"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."- Oscar Wilde

Pencil Portrait of Noah by L.Short 2011