Thursday, March 21, 2013

Art Club Music Video.... What I Am!

The 4th grade Art Club has put together this fun music video called, "What I Am".  In the video they are sharing what they love the most about who they are. Watch out for the blooper reel at the end! Enjoy! :-)

Click the link to see our creation!

                          *This video was created by kids just for fun and all music rights go to Will.I.Am, Sesame Street, and Baauer*

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Follow Brookview's artists on Instagram!

              Enjoy all our wonderful artworks on Instagram! Search for mrsshortartclass or follow this link 

Collaborative Art! Red, Yellow, Blue......

We are currently creating posters for the art room to help us remember different color groups.  The poster we just finished is "Primary Colors".  90 kids worked together to make this painting.  Check out our video!