Friday, August 30, 2013

New "Short" Film ......Art Mission: Mystery Monster Color Mixing

Welcome to the debut of our latest art room action flick...Art Mission: Mystery Monster Color Mixing.  The students in Life Skills worked very hard in creating this film. Click below to check it out, enjoy!

If the link above doesn't work for you then try clicking our YouTube version below:

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Great start to a new year!

Wow! What a great start to the year we have had in the art room.  I'd like to introduce myself for those of you who are new to my classroom blog.  My name is Mrs. Short and this is my 7th year teaching art at Brookview Elementary.  This is the  place for you to find updates about what is happening in the art room this school year.  I will post pictures and videos of art that we create in class. I will also post announcements of special art displays and art shows that the student's will be participating in.  I look forward to a great year.  To get things started off right here are the kindergarteners with a special look at the art room rules!